DESIGN AND MAKING FORMALIN LEVEL DETECTION TOOLS IN FOOD USING ARCHUINO UNO-BASED HCHO SENSORS WITH NOTIFICATION THROUGH SMS Syuhada Pertiwi * Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi ABSTRAK Food is a primary physical need for living beings consumed for energy and energy, so that the components of food must contain healthy ingredients and are free from harmful elements of health. Nowadays a lot of cheating merchants sell food on the market that contains hazardous elements such as formalin is used to preserve food that is not easily stale and more durable. Therefore the authors designed and made the Formalin Detection Tool on Food to detect formalin in foods sold in the market such as meatballs, noodles tiaw. The design of this tool is based on Arduino Uno and uses HCHO gas sensor to detect formalin. The push button button starts as a button that commands the tool to start the process of detecting the groceries, the sterile push button button as a button to give commands for the fan on the tool can work sterilize the detection chamber. Heater as a food heater to remove the steam that can be detected by the sensor. Arduino Uno as the main control on this system, and LCD as the system output viewer, as well as GSM modem as a delivery media output that appear on the LCD to the mobile phone. The way this system works is when the appliance is turned on, the gas sensor sample will detect the formalin in the sample and produce the output voltage. The output voltage goes to Arduino and then converted from analog to digital and displayed to LCD and data will also be sent via Short Message Service (SMS). Keywords: HCHO Sensor, Arduino Uno, Formic Aldehyde
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