ABSTRACT Based on data from Statistics Centre Institutions of Binjai City (2018), the population growth of 7 - 12 aged was 31,824 people, while the age of 16-18 years was 18,629 people, both groups are the highest among others. The lack of informal education facilities potentially become a community problem in the future, seeing this issue The Government of Binjai City released a Long Term Development Policy (RPJPD) in 2016 - 2021, "Realization of smart, livable, competitive and environmentally cities towards Binjai the prosperous". Responding the policy, we need to design a real platform for young generation to educate and interact each others. The Space consist of public area and buildings to facilitating talented young generations based on technology, art, and community participation. The Design of Startup and Community Space with vernacular architecture approach located in Binjai City, hopefully contributing to the goverment and community on increasing human resources and become an icon of the city. Keywords : Startup, community, space, architecture, vernacular
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